It’s the stupid details that my heart is breaking for
So, you think you’re big, and strong, and important, huh?
The long-haired ladies, thinking of nothing
Sunset (II)
You. An island
Happy five hats
What about your dream house of the rising sun?
They named a snail after it. Masca
This is the oceanshore. Neither land nor ocean. A place that does not exist
To the clouds and above
Kings of the island
Here it is
Happy birthday, little miss sunshine!
A perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire
Trei el și o ea
Trei el și o ea (după patru zile)
The dog days are (almost) here
Vinerea Mare
Happy Easter! (Sorry, I couldn’t help)
El viento viene, el viento se va
7 mai. Strada Călărașilor, la colț cu o chitară japoneză
Atom heart mother
About this day (when we saw the deer and the rainbow at the same time)
From where I ride
While the minimum number of bikes one should own is three, the correct number is n+1, where ”n” is the number of bikes currently owned
gOOd morning
The answer, my friend, is riding (with the wind)
To climb or not to climb
Just another Happy morning
Fear and loathing in Las Vegas
Am crezut că găsesc soarele în oraăe mai mari, dar nu-i nici aici. Ce bine că știu un loc unde cafeaua are gust de soare, oricum, oricând (All you need is J’ai)
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
Szabadságon vagyok. Ne zavarjatok!
Mostly sunny
Dog days
Egy kávé, egy kürt és két Vespa (please)
Meet me somewhere else
Grandpas have great stories to tell
Kiss kiss, ribbit ribbit
The afternoon ride
Bicycling, the nearest approximation I know to the flight of birds
Mediterranean sundance
Talking with my Supergirl
The gang, escaping Paradise
She dared to imagine everything (The Sun, setting the Sea)
Sunrise, sunrise
layErs (not liars)
Yesterday`s one hour rainbow
*august (răsărit)
Let it be
Ultimul Soare de august
Summer Collection 2018
Sun salutation
Almost sunset
All along the watchtower
Frunze arse, buze uscate. Toamnă cu bătaie de vânt
Urban sunset
The Rapha Boys on Le Tour de Sovata
Air. Wind. Flight
Strada preferată
I’ve seen the future, baby: it is murder
Când soarele s-a ascuns după un arici de mare și felinarele s-au aprins mai repede cu o oră